Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

At Collingbourne C of E Primary School, we believe that the curriculum should open children’s minds, develop a sense of wonder about the world around them, engage their natural curiosity and inspire them to be life-long learners. Our curriculum aims to provide a balance of knowledge and skills through a combination of discreet teaching and robust cross curricular links. It will be made accessible to all children in a fully inclusive manner.

The whole curriculum should also contribute to children’s moral, social, cultural and spiritual development in support of our vision for the Collingbourne School community.


The intention of our RE curriculum is that:

  • Pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of Christians and people of other principal world religions, and non-religious world views.
  • It will enable pupils to explain how beliefs and practices can inform and change the way people live, how they treat others and how they see the world.
  • Pupils are given opportunities to develop their own sense of identity and belonging.
  • It will help pupils to gain an understanding of differences held within a religious or non-religious worldview and of the similarities of beliefs and practices held in common by people within and across traditions.
  • Pupils will be equipped to be sensitive to others’ beliefs, be able to express their own views well, be open minded and respectful, show curiosity and have the skills to ask appropriate questions when meeting people different to themselves.
  • It recognises and builds on children’s prior learning, opinions and experiences, providing first hand learning experiences to encourage children to develop their thinking.