Equality Objectives
Collingbourne C of E Primary School recognises the importance of education in creating life opportunities and recognises that the influence of school on a child’s life is made more significant if they currently have, or have had in the past, a disadvantaged home life.
The document below concentrates on the most recent equalities-related attainment data and highlights those groups that are vulnerable to underachievement in Wiltshire schools. We are using this data to support our work to maximise the attainment of every pupil, and in particular, pupils from groups who may be vulnerable to educational underachievement.
The document also details new national equality priorities and provides details about how we are responding to these.
Collingbourne C of E School is committed to promoting the welfare and equality of all its staff, pupils and other members of the school community.The school sees all members of the school community as of equal value, regardless of any protected characteristic.
The school’s policies, procedures and activities will not discriminate but must nevertheless take account of differences in life experience, outlook and background, and in the kinds of barriers and disadvantages which people may face in relation to any protected characteristic.
The school’s Equality Information and Objectives Statement sets out how the school is meeting the PSED and outlines how equality of opportunity is ensured for all members of the school community. The Equality Information and Objectives Statement is reviewed at least every four years and is published on the school website annually.
The school will consult with stakeholders to establish equality objectives and draw up a plan based on information collected on protected groups and accessibility planning.
The school will regularly review the steps being taken and the progress made towards the achievement of these objectives and, in line with the specific duties of the PSED
Increase understanding of religious/faith diversity
Collingbourne C of E Primary School is focusing on ensuring that our pupils understand and appreciate the rich diversity of Britain and the important values that help people with differing perspectives and outlooks to live together harmoniously. This document provides information about what Collingbourne C of E Primary School is doing to develop our pupils’ ability to live in a pluralistic (diverse) society. This Equality Objective will help us to increase understanding of religious/faith diversity (including people who do not have a faith) and to develop an awareness of the history of religious intolerance in Britain and Europe, and to learn to promote tolerance and understanding.
Pupil mental health and wellbeing
Academic attainment is important, but pupils also need to progress through their education feeling happy and self-confident. Collingbourne C of E Primary School is committed to providing a nurturing environment to help develop the resilience of our pupils to cope with the ups and downs and stresses of everyday life. Collingbourne C of E Primary School has decided that one of our new Equality Objectives will address pupil mental health and wellbeing as part of our commitment to preventing mental health difficulties that may start in childhood but have a greater impact in adult life.
How we will achieve this objective:
We have two qualified ELSA trained teaching assistants who are available to give help to any pupil requiring support with their mental health and wellbeing.
We are also offering various Early Help initiatives to benefit the children’s wellbeing.