Class Organisation & School Day

The school has 4 classrooms, with the pupils divided as follows:

  • Fox Class – Reception and Year 1
  • Hedgehog Class – Year 1 and Year 2
  • Otter Class – Year 3 and Year 4
  • Kingfisher Class – Year 5 and Year 6

The number of children in each class varies depending on the total numbers of pupils which in the school. By law the infant classes which are Fox and Hedgehog classes must contain no more than 30 pupils.

As we are close to several Armed Forces bases the number of children attending our school does fluctuate from time to time.

The School Day

The children may be dropped off at school from 8.35am

Collective Worship

8.50am to 9.05am

Morning Session

9.05am to 12.15pm

Mid-Morning Break

10.45am to 11am


12.15 to 1.15pm

Afternoon Session

1.15pm to 3.15pm

Total Hours – 32.5 per week

Afternoon Assemblies


Whole School Assembly led by teaching staff


Class led worship


Collective Worship with Rev Jo


Whole School Singing Practice


Whole School Celebration Assembly