Early Help Offer

At Collingbourne CE Primary School we are committed to helping children be as successful as possible at school everyday. With this in mind we have developed an Early Help package that can be accessed by any child or family at any time. Staff will work closely with families to tailor the right intervention to maximise impact.  As part of the Early Help package we offer a free breakfast club (by invitation), ELSA, Forest School and Service champion support. These interventions have proven impact in supporting children to get the best out of their education and we are proud to be able to deliver this.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

At Collingbourne we have two ELSAs that offer help over two afternoons every week. A child can be referred for some ELSA intervention by their class teacher or SENDCO.


Breakfast Club


At Collingbourne we offer breakfast club by invitation to children that may require an alternative start to the day. This helps support a smooth tranistion into their school day.


Open Days


Throughout the year at Collingbourne we hold a number of Open Days, Stay & Play settling in days, Parents in Class Afternoons and Crafternoons.

Individual tours for perspective Parents are available with prior arrangement via the School Office.