What do we do?

PTA is made up of parents of children from the school, who willingly volunteer and give up their time to help raise much needed funds for the school which benefits all of our children. PTA work closely with the Headteacher, Staff and School Governors to enable the children to have extra-curricular equipment which the school budget does not allow for. In the past, PTA have raised money for outdoor play equipment, computers for the ICT suite, gardening equipment, additional funding for school trips… the list goes on! In order to raise the funds required for such items, we organise social events such as discos, cake bakes, raffles, bingo, hotdog Fridays, Monster Mash etc. all of which make a considerable amount of money over a school year, thanks to your support.

How can you get involved?

We are always looking for fresh, new ideas, so if you have any fundraising ideas that we have not tried in the past, we would love to hear from you. And we are always on the lookout for volunteers to help at our events. We appreciate not everyone has time to join a committee, but if you do have a couple of hours free on an event day, we would love your support in setting up, selling tickets, supervising, clearing away. If you do want to play a more active part, please contact Carl or one of the other committee members. We meet every term to discuss the events we have planned throughout the year. Our meetings are informal and friendly and usually down the local pub.

Who are the PTA Committee Members?

Chair  Marc Furia                 Secretary  Jessi Ellston                     Treasurer   Vicky May

Forth Coming Events & Fundraising


AGM Thursday 16th January 2025 in The Tipple Inn, Collingbourne at 7.30pm