Pack Lunch Information
School packed lunches should include:
- At least one portion of fruit or vegetables every day.
- A sandwich or wrap. Pots of rice, pasta or couscous are ideal if your child isn’t keen on bread or just fancies a change.
- A dairy food such as cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard.
- Water, still or sparkling, fruit juice, squash, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
- A lunch biscuit such as a club, waggon wheel, 2 fingers Kit Kat, Penguin etc. or a small cup cake or muffin
- A small pack of crisps. We would suggest lower fat crisps such as Quavers, Wotsits or baked varieties.
Packed lunches are NOT to include:
- Carbonated (Fizzy) drinks.
- Sweets or chocolate bars
- Donuts, cheese twists or any other baked goods high in fat or sugar
- Pop tarts
- Meat products such as sausage rolls, individual pies and mini sausages.
Healthy break time snack
- Fresh fruit
- Fresh chopped vegetables
- Small packet of dried fruit
- Seeds
- Squeezy yogurts
- Cheese
- Muesli bars (not covered in chocolate)
The school recognizes that some pupils may require special diets that do not allow for the standards to be met exactly. In this case parents are urged to be responsible in ensuring that packed lunches are as healthy as possible.
For these reasons pupils are also not permitted to swap food items.